Saturday, December 06, 2008

Warung Ngalam

I saw an advertisement about Warung Ngalam in Warta Kota newspaper few months ago. Since then, our group has been there for several times. It is located in Jalan Wahid Hasyim, in the front yard of Midori Japanese Restaurant.

Warung Ngalam, reflecting its name (Ngalam=Malang), offers the diversity of food from East Java. Therefore, you could find Cwie Mie, Rawon, Rujak Cingur, Soto Sulung, Bebek-Ikan-Ayam Goreng, Sup Iga, etc. I’ve had Soto Sulung and Bebek Goreng in the past and they are not my favorite. The Soto was too thick and Bebek Goreng was not as tender as I thought. But Pecel, Cwie Mie and Rawon freshened up with fresh bean sprouts and salted duck egg were flavorsome. The price is affordable and the cleanliness of the warung is very noticeable. It could be one of the options for your lunch if your office is nearby.

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