Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pondok Ikan Bakar Ujung Pandang

I’d passed this restaurant several times from home to Senayan, but it was two weeks ago we decided to give it a try. We ordered Ikan Kue Bakar, Sup Ikan Asam Pedas, Kangkung Cha and steamed rice for three. The chili/sambal came in three different styles, all not bad. Sup Ikan Asam Pedas was different with the one from Manado, this one is a bit sweet and so not our favorite. Ikan Kue Bakar was good, but we all thought that there are other places that have better ones. Kangkung Cha was okay. You could not see the whole fish in the picture because I had forgotten to take it before we ate :) We paid Rp. 150 K for food and drinks, including ice palubutung that we shared as dessert.

Pondok Ikan Bakar Ujung Pandang is located in Jalan Gandaria I no. 5, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan; it is the branch of the same restaurant on Jl. Irian in Ujung Pandang.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ita,

I was google-ing budget hotels around Jalan Tebah near Pasar Mayestik and stumble upon your culinary blog and my goodness what a wonderful finding! Oh well, i'm from Malaysia and going to source for fabrics in Pasar Mayestik and Bandung quite often next year (by the way, i'm a designer and in a clothing business.... ) So your food guide will definitely be alot of use for me when my stomach starts grumbling hehe!

Salam dari Seberang,


Ita Parwitosari said...

Hi there,

Thanks for leaving your comment... I'm a bit lag in updating my blog lately since I've been very busy at work, but I'm working on it. Keep in touch...