Saturday, March 26, 2016

Nothing Will Last Forever

Lontong Opor & Bihun Goreng
Here we are, almost the end of the time as a team. To celebrate the moment, our youngest Novi had a great idea to do a gift exchange. Therefore, each of us prepared an IDR 100K gift wrapped by newspaper and placed in a central location. Our Nancy arranged everything; the delicious breakfast, the meeting room and the pieces of paper for gift number.

Firstly, I would like to share with you how lovely the breakfast was. But before that, I would like to mention that Pak Nyoman’s opening speech almost brought Novi into tears :) We had all the food catered by Pak Bambang which consisted of Lontong (sticky rice), Opor Ayam (Indonesian chicken dish, cooked and braised in coconut milk), Sayur Lodeh (coconut milk vegetable stew), Telur Pindang (marbled herbal hard boiled eggs), Sambal Goreng Ati Kentang (chili potatoe), Bihun Goreng (fried rice vermicelli), Kerupuk (shrimp crackers) and the incredibly yummy Chocolate Pudding as dessert. Lontong sayur was rich in flavor and it was very easy to empty the plate in order to have another portion. Bihun goreng was also tasty and it went along well between lontong sayur and pudding :)

It was the moment of truth following the full breakfast. We really had fun during the gift exchange, starting from drawing the numbers, guessing and opening the gifts and admiring different gift ideas. Lastly, I am truly blessed for being with the team since 2011 with all memorable moments sharing happiness and tears together. Thank you Pak Nyoman, Pak Bustomi, Arry, Riri, Rahma, Khairul, Indra, Novi, the 3-A (Andri, Andre, Andrei), Yandhi, Ronny, Nancy, Delfin, Wira, Hakam and Bang Dafit; I love you all. Nothing will last forever, except the genuine friendship.

Friends Forever

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