Saturday, July 04, 2009

Warung Nasi Ampera

There are many Warung Nasi Ampera (Sundanese Food) in Jakarta, but the most favorite one for me is on Jalan H. Agus Salim a.k.a Jalan Sabang. Besides white rice, they also have brown rice (nasi merah), which - according to health experts - is more nutritious. This sunny Saturday, our choices for the dish consisted of Nasi Merah, Sayur Asam, Tumis Pete-Teri, Balado Ati Ampla, Pepes Tahu, Pepes Jamur. And we were falling in love with this place because of its free Lalapan (daun slada, daun poh-pohan, terung hijau, kacang panjang, leunca, kol, timun) with four selections of sambal: sambal lalap merah, sambal lalap hijau, sambal bajak and sambal oncom. Take a guess on how much three of us had to pay…. Only Rp. 39 K including drinks. It was inexpensive considering the place was very comfortable with AC. Home-made ice cream Njonja Besar has a counter in this restaurant, so I could have its green bean ice cream with chocolate for the dessert. Fabulous!

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